Medals for sports events
Presenting medals in a ceremony in the field of sport is established in the 21st century in numerous disciplines. It does not only include the classical gold, silver and bronze at the Olympic Games – it is also common to get the coins and medals embossed for smaller events in sports and hand them over to the participants. Our professional web service has specialized in the individual manufacturing of coins according to customer wishes and is a popular point of contact for countless clubs and organizations in the field of sport. Depending on the occasion and budget, with our help you can easily develop and obtain embossed custom sport event medals and coins.

Honoring athletes with high-quality coins and medals
Our service has extensive experience in individual coin embossing in the many different fields of sports. Our showcase shows you, for example, medals for the European Volleyball Federation. You find more ideas for the creative design of your sports coins and examples of our technical possibilities in our multi-faceted showroom. You can get diverse motives embossed by us from the logo of your sports club up to the relief or picture of the athlete, which is a precious award in sports and recreation. Our coin configurator facilitates the collection and shows you options for special designs.

Price conscious coins can be embossed for sports and games
Of course, if you wish to honor your athletes we can fabricate awards and medals from many different materials with many different designs. More economical materials may be used with a gold or silver effect finish to more appropriately fit your budget. If you specific questions about embossing of your sports coins and medals, you just get in contact via our form or the telephone hotline. We undertake the embossing of your coins not only for professionally organized sport in countless clubs and associations, but also for private tournaments and fun events